
bieber fever comment

Hace un tiempo (considerable) leí un post sobre Justin Bieber y dejé este comment… Me había olvidado que había hecho copy&paste para compartirlo acá, y se fue pasando. Pero acá estoy, acordándome de esto desde que el viernes hablamos con amigos del goma de Justin Bieber, con su look skater boy, su super flequillo de costado y su voz de “parece.que.cantara.una.chica.pero.no”…


Por si quieren leerlo, éste era el post que comenté. Y el que sigue ahora fue mi comment (in English):

ok so my cousin is "compleeeeetely in love" with justin bieber, so i had to read this when i saw its title... you should see her, or at least her facebook profile... "Sophie BIEBER"... in a relationship with "Justin Bieber", who of course isn't really him, but someone else who created that account and uploads photos from the web (if that actually makes any sense)... so, believe it or no, there really are girls, all over the world, who can't imagine the world going on without justin bieber... so more than fever, it's a kind of a global epidemic (though it sounds a bit mean, i don't mean it that way... it's just to emphazise the "fever" thing), but pleeease, have you listened to him? the first time i listened to "one less lonely girl", just a few days ago, i was conviced it was a girl singing... and even when the radio guy said "so that was justin bieber..." i still couldn't believe it...
but hey, i remember nick carter some years ago, he was 15, and i was a little girl myself and i looooved him, and had pictures of him, maybe a couple of posters, magazines with sth about him and stuff... but never ever i named myself as B Carter... what's the point in that? as if he was gonna come and tell me he loves me too!  ¬¬  so i think being a fan is great, i'm still Nick's (and BSB's) fan, but it's not that cool to be a loon about him, is it?? i don't know, just a thougt...


¿Se nota mucho que no me gusta JB? Hahahaha…. (rescato únicamente el tema que canta con Usher, y obviamente ÉL es la razón) Cuando pasan sus canciones por la radio, reconozco que son pegadizas (no por eso buenas) y, si me doy cuenta que canto o tarareo a la par, soy capaz de autoflagelarme y morderme la lengua!!! Y si alguna vez alguno de ustedes me ve o escucha, tienen todo mi permiso para aplicarme el correctivo correspondiente =D


A ustedes les gusta Justin Bieber? Hay algún otro que les “”moleste”” así??


Besos! ( beluu . )

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